Dentaworks Soft Mouth Trays 3-pack

This Soft and comfortable formable mouth tray is moulded to the teeth by heating it in warm water. Then place it in the mouth and use your fingers to make an exact copy of your teeth. The bleaching gel is then applied to the tray which is placed over the teeth, and then the bleaching starts.

Dentaworks Soft Mouth Tray

  • 3 Dentaworks Soft mouth trays
  • Can be used for either upper or lower teeth
  • Soft and comfortable
  • Easier to mold to the teeth
  • BPA, PVC & Phthalate Free
  • Complete step-by-step usage instructions

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Tooth whitening - It's this easy

1. Heat the mouth tray

1. Heat the mouth tray

To form the tray dip it in hot water until it softens. Remove from water and place the tray in the mouth.
2. Form the mouth tray

2. Form the mouth tray

Press the tray firmly but gently with your fingers against the teeth while the tray is soft so it molds to your teeth.
3. Clean and bleach

3. Clean and bleach

Squeeze a drop of gel into the tray for each tooth that should be whitened and place the tray back into the mouth in the same position as before.
4. Bleaching time

4. Bleaching time

Wear it for 20 minutes, 2 times a day, until you reach the desired results, normally it takes 7 days.

Soft and comfortable mouth tray of the highest quality.

This patented formable mouth tray is molded to the teeth by heating it in warm water. Then place it in the mouth and use your fingers to make an exact copy of your teeth. The bleaching gel is then applied to the tray which is placed over the teeth, and then the bleaching starts. A mouth tray is required for each row of teeth, one for the upper row and one for the lower.

Dentaworks Soft mouth trays are manufactured in a special crystal-clear plastic that make them softer and more comfortable to wear than regular mouth trays. They can be remolded for a perfect fit if it is required.

Dentaworks Soft mouth trays are free from BPA, PVC and Phthalates.

N.B: Whitening gel is not included.


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